Email received from Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski – one of the FBI representatives in Beijing

On 2021-09-20, I receive for the first time an email from Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski, “one of the FBI representatives in Beijing.”
FROM : Adam Rogalski (Legal Attaché/State Department)
TO : Vincent B. Le Corre
SUBJECT: Request to contact FBI office in Beijing
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2021-09-20_1612_0800_reply-from-assistant-legal-attache-adam-rogalski-fbi.pdfMr. Le Corre,
Good afternoon. I’m Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski – one of the FBI representatives in Beijing. Your email to Beijing ACS from September 10, 2021 was passed on to me. I would be interested in the information you have to provide. Please let me know what you are comfortable sharing over email or telephone. If possible, could you also provide the details of the US company/companies allegedly in violation of US law and a general sense of the criminal activity? Depending on the nature of the information we could discuss further arrangements going forward. Can you also send me a copy of your ID cards? Hope you are well and thanks again for contacting us.
Adam Rogalski
Assistant Legal Attache
US Embassy Beijing
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2021-09-20_1612_0800_reply-from-assistant-legal-attache-adam-rogalski-fbi.pdf
Most of my communications sent to the F.B.I. can be consulted at:
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